McTeveus Victor Sr. was born on Febuary 9, 1975 in Phoenix, Arizona. He passed away on March 19, 2021 in Phoenix AZ. He was the son of Victoria Buck of Bylas, and Evan Victor of Peridot, AZ. He was raised by Claude Kayson (Deceased) and Isadora (Victor) Kayson (Deceased) of Peridot, AZ. He is preceded into death with his daughter McTavia Victor, mother’s Isadora Kayson, Victoria Buck, his father’s Evan Victor, Claude Kayson his Maternal Grandmother Winnie Dosela Victor, and his Maternal Grandfather Emerson Victor (Peridot, AZ). He attended elementary and junior high school at Rice School, in San Carlos, AZ, went on to attend Globe High School in Globe, AZ. McTeveus had 5 children, Bernall Nosie, Peridot, AZ, McTeveson Nosie, Peridot, AZ, McTeveus Victor Jr., McTavia Victor, and Tyler Bendle. McTeveus had 1 sister Rosita (Victor) Thompson, Peridot, AZ, and 1 brother Evans Victor, Phoenix, AZ, and he had 8 grand-children. He had brothers and sisters that he was raised with (Cluade and Isadora) brothers, Harrison Kayson, Harding Kayson, Fernando Kayson, Ethel (Kayson) George, Dorenda Kayson (deceased) Carol Kayson Hoffman (deceased), Alder Kayson (deceased), and Jack Kayson (deceased). He had numerous nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and relatives. McTeveus had worked as a welder at JOB. He was very knowledgeable in the work he did. He is remembered by many to be humorous and a caring person. McTeveus will be missed by many especially his children and siblings, may his memory live on through them. Wake will be held on Friday, March 26, 2021 4:00 P.M. at Victor Woodbury’s residence in Peridot, Arizona. Graveside services will be held on Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 11:30 A.M. at Upper Peridot Cemetery in Peridot, Arizona. Assisting the family; Lamont Mortuary of Globe.