Charlene G. Perry was born on October 6, 1947. She was 72 years old. She married Hanson Perry Sr. They had been married for 37 years., She had eight children. Four boys and four girls. Lyle Keoke Jr., Galen Keoke, Elizabeth Keoke, Melda Mendoza, Melvina Nuvayuma, Elesta Araiza, Hanson Perry Jr. and Randy Perry. She was raised by her mother Ruby Vance Shaw and Step father Bruno Shaw. Through out the years she worked for the forestry as a cook along with cooking for the San Carlos Housing P.O.P. camp to get away every summer.. Also a cook at the San Carlos Detention Center. She enjoyed spending time with her husband and grandchildren along with her kids. Her hobbies were cooking, cradle board making and she really enjoyed the outdoors. Most of all our evenings were well spent at the casino. Still she always believed in God, She will be missed by everyone who knew her. She had many friends, family and grandchildren. She was always thankful for every moment she spent with anyone. She will be highly and greatly be missed by everyone and anyone who knew her. Just remember and cherish the good things you might have of her. Her smile, laughter and jokes. Most of all a beloved mother, sister, wife and grandmother. VISITATION: 5:00 AM, PERRY RESIDENCE - WHITE MOUNTAIN AVE - 7 MILE WASH DISTRICT - SAN CARLOS. SERVICE: 1:00 PM, SAN CARLOS MIRACLE CHURCH - CHINATOWN AREA - PERIDOT. BURIAL: NORTHGATE CEMETERY - SAN CARLOS