Shelly Ann Cepress born Oct 1, 1973 to the late Sheldon Cepress Sr. and Cynthia Rogers Cepress. She has three sisters and two brothers. Sheila M. Cepress of Chandler, Az. Patrick J. Cepress of Cutter, Az. Carolyn K. Tapia (Lee Tapia)of Cutter, Az. and Sheldon Cepress Jr. (Camillia) of San Carlos, AZ and Rosetta McIntosh of San Carlos, Az. She has two nephews and four nieces. Shelly worked as a Medical Biller in San Carlos. She loved playing Bingo with her family once a month which she baked for prizes and she was a very humble person. She went to Globe High School and graduated in 1991. Then went on to EAC and majored in Administrative Assistant. She lived in Mesa for a few years and came back to work for San Carlos Apache Tribe. She has one daughter name Kaitlyn Newman and her companion Leo Newman, Jr. She will be missed. We love you. WAKE: FRIDAY, MAY 13 - 4:00 PM - CEPRESS RESIDENCE - NEW MOONBASE - PERIDOT. SERVICE: SATURDAY, MAY 14 - 1:00 PM - SAN CARLOS MIRACLE CHURCH - PERIDOT. INTERMENT: SAN CARLOS CEMETERY - MORMON HILL RD. - SAN CARLOS.