Manuel S. Stevens, Sr., age 67 of Peridot, Arizona passed away on July 27, 2012 at his residence in Peridot. He was born in San Carlos, Arizona on September 25, 1944. Son of Carl and Mabel (Mahsill) Stevens. He worked as a seasonal firefighter for BIA Forestry. He enjoyed woodworking and building Sunrise Dance. Preceded in death by his parents Carl and Mabel Stevens. Manuel is survived by his children; Magalita Swimmer (Darwin), Viola Brewer (Greg) Manuel Stevens, Jr. (Mona), Magalena Bullis (Vernon), Angelita Stevens, David Martinez and Nogadi Martinez, his sisters; Marilyn Thomas, his brothers; Billy Stevens and Leroy Patten, Sr., 26 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Wake will be on Sat. August 4, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. at Magalita Swimmer residence Funeral services will on Sunday, August 5, 2012 at 2:00 P.M. at Burdette Hall in San Carlos. Interment will be at San Carlos Cemetery.